Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tragically Hip's Tragic News Aims for Maximum $$$

          Amid the news this week that Gord Downie, the lead singer of the Canadian band, The Tragically Hip, has terminal brain cancer, it's worth noting that the group shamelessly used Downie's illness as a gimmick to promote and sell its new record and upcoming concert tour; and to manipulate fans into spending their money. 
         Many media reports and fans have rightly and appropriately expressed their condolences and well-wishes for Downie. The news of his diagnosis surely must be tragic for him and his family and friends, for his bandmates, and for the group’s fans.
Selling Tickets and CDs Key to Cancer Announcement
         Yet, on closer inspection, the timing of the news of Downie's cancer diagnosis seems crass and commercial since it was clearly choreographed to coincide with the announcement of the band's new concert tour; to make as much money as possible for the group before Downie dies.
Skepticism Warranted
         We can be forgiven for being skeptical about the timing of the news of Downie’s illness, because it was followed just one day later by the announcement of the group's new record and summer 2016 concert tour--which has been referred to in some media as a ‘farewell tour.’
         The concert tour seems mainly meant to support the release of the group’s latest record. This is understandable, since The Tragically Hip is a business entity, and like all businesses, the group is in business to make money, in addition to music.
Commercialism Integral to Cancer News
         Ultimately, though, the timing of this week’s announcement of Downie’s diagnosis is questionable and can reflect badly on Downie and The Tragically Hip as a whole.
         This is because the formal news of Downie’s illness initially seemed intended only as a thoughtful and respectful gesture to notify the group’s fans about his illness.
But the bloom wore off that rose the next day when the band announced its summer concert tour and upcoming release of its new CD.
         That's when it became clear that Downie's cancer news was obviously well-timed and expertly-planned to milk maximum money from fans—to prime fans to spend their money on the band's new CD and concert tickets; since news of the concert tour came just one day after word of Downie's cancer diagnosis.
         In this context, The Tragically Hip's unspoken message to fans in this week’s back-to-back announcements seems clear: put your money where your sympathy is.
Cashing in on Cancer Diagnosis     
         As a result, the band, and Downie in particular, seem to be crassly and cleverly cashing in on his illness as a new and inventive, albeit tragic way to promote this particular concert tour--which could be fans' last chance to see Downie and/or the group. 
         We can assume Downie approved this week’s public pronouncement of his cancer diagnosis, along with the group's announcement, the next day, of the band's summer 2016 concert tour in support of its new record.
Personal Adjustment Necessary

          Those involved in announcing Downie's cancer news earlier this week said he actually got the diagnosis about six months ago, in December, 2015. 
          In fairness to Downie and his bandmates, before going public with his cancer diagnosis they all likely needed, wanted and deserved to have sufficient personal time to digest the diagnosis themselves first, before the public was told. No doubt they also needed time to notify family and friends, personally, before Downie’s illness became public knowledge.
Negative Optical Illusion      
         But the perceived ‘optics’ of this situation would have been more-positive if Downie’s diagnosis was publicized a few months ago, on its own, with no mention of this summer’s concert tour and new record.
         Then, this week’s news of the group’s concert tour and new record wouldn’t have gone hand-in-hand with news of Downie’s diagnosis, and wouldn’t seem meant to prey on fans’ sympathy for their money.